
GOPURE'S Black Friday Sale & Rewards

Welcome! We invite you to participate in GOPURE’S Biggest Rewards yet!

Should you have any questions, please contact us at

Some additional information in one line
BFCM Rewards Newsletter (4)
BFCM-Rewards-Mobile_13 (1)

More detailed information on the tiers 

Tier 1: Affiliate who posts 3 videos with 2k video views will receive choice of our new Tighten up routine bundle or a $50 amazon gift card or $50 Cash

Tier 2: Affiliate who posts a video that  generates over 25,000 views will receive a credit of $300 for any of the following rewards: choice of a coach Hamptons hobo bag or Air pads pro 2 or $300 cash

Tier 3: Affiliates who generate $10,000 in verified commission revenue will receive a credit of $1500 for any of the following rewards: choice of iPhone 16 or Tiffany Bracelet or Expedia $1500 gift card or $1,500 cash

Tier 4: Affiliates who generate $25,000 in verified commission revenue will receive a credit of $3,750 for any of the following rewards: choice of a MacBook + iPad or Dior bag , or $3,750 cash

Tier 5: Affiliates who generate $50,000 in verified commission revenue will receive a credit of $7500 for any of the following rewards: choice of a Channel 19 large hand bag or mini cube sauna + air max pro or $7,500 cash.

Tier 6: Affiliates who generate $150,000 in verified commission revenue will receive a credit of $20,000 for any of the following rewards: choice of a Cartier love bracelet or Dior hand bag + $13k Expedia gift card or Rolex explorer 36, or $20,000 cash

Tier 7: Affiliates who generate $500,000 in verified commission revenue will receive a credit of $75,000 for any of the following rewards: choice of a 2025 Porsche Macan or Sporting event suite  or a Virgin Voyages Cruise or $75,000 cash.

Tier 8: Affiliates who generate $2,000,000 in verified commission revenue will receive 1 Million dollars! $400,000 paid out via commissions through TikTok and an additional $600,000.